Study Preps
For boarders, two preps are the routine feature of the college under the Supervision of Housemasters / Housemistress and different subject teachers residing on the campus.
Evening Games
Evening games including hockey, cricket, football, volleyball, basketball, handball, badminton, lawn-tennis, squash and table-tennis are regularly conducted under the control of sports coaches for the boarders.
Instructions for Parents / Relatives
- Parents and relatives should visit the students only on Visitors Day i.e. Sunday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- The names of relatives, along with their full addresses, who are authorized to see the students, must be intimated to the Housemaster/Housemistress concerned.
- If a relative, whose name is not given beforehand, wishes to see the student, it is necessary that he/she should bring a letter of authority from the Parents for this purpose.
- On arrival, the visitor must show the identity and the relationship to the boarder, at the gate. The gatekeeper will inform Housemaster / Housemistress and the boarder will meet the visitor with the permission of the Housemaster / Housemistress.
- Parents or visitors must not meet or contact any other student except their own without prior permission of the Senior Housemaster / Housemaster / Housemistress.
- Parents may phone their child once a week, on Saturday evening or Sunday.
- Boarders are not allowed to open a private account in the college bank. Buying on credit from the college cafeteria or bookshop is not permitted.
- Parents are not allowed to enter the dormitories of students in any circumstances.
- Parents must contact Housemaster / Housemistress concerned when they come to drop or collect their child.
- Parents are advised to attend monthly Parent-Teacher Meetings as mentioned in the term calendar and collect the monthly, terminal and final results of their child.
General Instructions
- Boarders are not allowed any leave except sick leave during the term, nor are they allowed to go home on weekends except in case of emergency.
- Boarders are allowed to keep items of clothing, bedding, and books which are listed in the hostel disciplinary rules updated from time to time.
- Boarders are not allowed to open a private account in the college bank. Buying on credit from the college cafeteria or bookshop is not permitted.
- The pocket money for boarders not exceeding Rs.1500/- per month, must be deposited with the Housemaster / Housemistress concerned.
- Exeat or arrival of boarders must be either in college uniform or white shalwar kamees. Students are not allowed to keep coloured and casual clothing other than college uniform, white shalwar kamees, game uniform and a sleeping suit.
- Fighting, using foul language, stealing or any other unsocial activity will lead to immediate expulsion of the student from the college.
- Any complaint regarding hostel facilities should be lodged with the Senior Housemaster / Housemaster / Housemistress.
Hostel Menu
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Hostel Routine
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